“A Smorgasbord Scrub For Smooth, Nourished Skin! Oatmeal with pomegranate sounds like a healthy, delicious breakfast, doesn’t it? When it’s prepared by skin 2 skin, though, it’s more like a meal for your face.

Skin 2 Skin Care this up-and-coming skin care brand’s Oatmeal & Pomegranate Face Scrub is something you’ll want to wake up to on a regular basis, not only for what it takes away, but what it leaves behind. Foaming and deep-cleansing, the paraben-free formula uses oat flour and walnut to exfoliate and detoxify, leaving skin smooth and clean-and then some.

The “then some” is moisturized, nourished and protected, thanks to organic ingredients like blackberry leaf, carrot root, white and green teas, ginger, bladderwrack, and the title-alluded pomegranate-and that’s not even half.

We’re not sure how all these botanicals would taste together, but we know our skin looks yummier than ever.” NewBeauy Magazine