Skin2Skin® is a proud sponsor of The Best Ever You Network™
The Best Ever You Network
Trusted Resource
Our Mission at Best Ever You:
The Best Ever You Network provides professional and personal development to individuals and organizations around the world.
Our Story:
Best Ever You started one day back in 2008, when Founder, Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino, sat in her financial services office job contemplating life and how she could make a difference in the lives of others. Having nearly lost her life several years earlier to a series of food allergic reactions combined with the experience of her dad’s stroke and fight for life, she constantly felt like there must be better ways to impact others and a more positive way to be on a daily basis. One day, after witnessing an office fight, Elizabeth closed her office door and began sketching out and writing out an idea she had called, “Best Ever You.” With the business plan in hand, she quit her job and went home for the day. Later than night, she let everyone at home know she had given her resignation and then shared her idea. Her husband and children instantly supported her and Best Ever You became a reality.
Today, Best Ever You is a leading multi-media provider of lifestyle and self-help content. We are dedicated to helping YOU and all people across the globe live life to the fullest by being their best. We provide unique content, creative insight and tools you can use in your everyday life. Our network is a community of people making a difference. We are all dedicated to helping you be your best and create and live your best life.
Our philosophy
Moment by moment, we outgrow each and every business plan we write. This is because of you. We figure this is bigger than us and so each day a new connection appears or a new idea allows us to grow a little more. I like to think of us as consciously and positively ambitious. We don’t trample all over people we meet, we don’t have a hidden agenda and we don’t have investors. We are completely grassroots. In general, our mission is to impact one person at a time positively and to have you do the same in return.
If our lives touch, my goal is that we are both better as a result.